The Challenge
Valkyrie Support Services, is a Provider of Workplace Learning and Apprenticeships. They work primarily throughout the Engineering and Manufacturing Sectors with specialism in the areas of Mechanical Engineering, Process Engineering, Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma and Food Manufacturing Excellence. The Company was founded in 2005 and throughout its life has prided itself on a solid, highly flexible and professional service. With the Work Based Learning sector having such a wide range of quality amongst its Providers, Valkyrie set out from the outset to be the Provider who did it properly.
Approach & Result
Having been let down by their previous telemarketing company it was imperative GSA got off to a good start producing quality leads while at the same time building a strong pipeline for continued success. Continuity of the telemarketer was also important.
Working on three separate datasets we blended them into one, validating out the old & bringing in new contacts. Speaking with lapsed customers & re-introducing those that were not interested from their first campaign. We put together an approach that incorporated different aspects of the Valkyrie service offering, food, operations & lean manufacturing selecting the right types of training for each.
Not only did we exceed Valkyrie’s expectations but we were able to put in place a real strong pipeline with Valkyrie agreeing to a 12 month extension of their campaign.